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Public FRPP Dataset - Civilian Agencies

ABOUT Public FRPP Dataset - Civilian Agencies

Pursuant to the Federal Asset Sales and Transfer Act of 2016 (P.L. 114-287), the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) is making real property data from the Federal Real Property Profile Management System (FRPP MS) accessible to the public. FRPP MS is the federal government’s centralized inventory of real property under the custody and control of executive branch agencies. The data currently accessible on this site represents the Government’s inventory as of September 30, 2016. Data for fiscal year 2017 will be available on this site in the spring of 2018.

Data Source:  Federal Real Property Profile

Below  is the data dictionary for the attached dataset:

Data Element NameDescriptionPlain English Definition
Reporting Agency (Reporting Bureau excluded)Name of the agencyReporting Agency refers to the Federal Government agency/bureau reporting the property to FRPP MS. Agencies are required to provide data on assets they own, lease, or manage directly.
Real Property Unique IdentifierID for the propertyReal Property Unique Identifier is a code that is unique to a real property asset that will allow for linkages to other information systems. The Real Property Unique Identifier is assigned by the reporting agency and can contain up to 24 alpha-numeric digits.
Real Property TypeIndicates the property as being land, building, or structureReal Property Type indicates the asset is one of the following categories of real property --
Land, Building, or Structure.
Real Property UseIndicates the primary use of the propertyReal Property Use indicates the asset’s predominant use in one of the following categories:
Reduce the FootprintIndicates whether the building is being monitored under the Reduce the Footprint policy.Consistent with OMB Management Procedures Memorandum 2015-01, Implementation of OMB Memorandum M-12-12 Section 3: Reduce the Footprint, dated March 25, 2015, all Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act executive branch departments and agencies shall move aggressively to dispose of surplus properties held by the Federal Government, make more efficient use of the government’s real property assets, and reduce the total square footage of their domestic office and warehouse inventory relative to an established baseline. To identify assets that are subject to the Reduce the Footprint (RTF) policy, FRPP MS will populate the RTF data element to determine whether the asset is subject to monitoring under the RTF policy.
Legal Interest IndicatorIndicates whether the property is owned, leased or otherwise managedLegal Interest is used to identify a real property asset as being either owned or leased or otherwise managed by the Federal Government.
Lease Authority IndicatorIndicates the authority by which an assets is leased.Lease Authority Indicator is required for leased assets only and indicates the authority used to execute the lease.
Status IndicatorStatus Indicator reflects the predominant physical/operational status of the asset.Status Indicator reflects the predominant physical/operational status of the asset.
Report of Excess Submitted DateDate the report of excess was submitted to GSAAgencies are to report the actual date the report of excess was submitted to GSA in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Report of Excess Accepted DateDate the report of excess was accepted by GSAAgencies are to report the actual date the report of excess was submitted to GSA in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Determination to Dispose DateDate the agency determined to dispose of the assetThe agency is to report the actual date the agency made the final determination to remove the asset from the inventory in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Cannot Currently be Disposed DateDate the agency determined the asset cannot currently be disposedAgencies are to report the actual date that the agency made the determination that an asset cannot currently be disposed in (MM/DD/YYYY) format.
Surplus Declaration DateDate the asset was declared surplusAgency will report the date the asset has been declared surplus to the Federal Government in a MM/DD/YYYY format.
Outgrant IndicatorHave rights to use the space been outgranted to another entityIndicate yes or no as to whether rights have been conveyed or granted to another entity.
Reason Cannot Currently be DisposedWhy cannot an asset currently be disposedAgencies must pick one specific circumstance to indicate why an asset cannot currently be disposed.
Historical StatusIndicates the historic status of the assetHistorical status is based on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) evaluation by your agency’s cultural resources staff; the staff members should be aware of formal determinations by the Keeper of the NRHP and/or consensus determinations between your agency and State Historic Preservation Officer(s) (SHPO)/Tribal Historic Preservation Officer(s) (THPO).
Acres (Land)Size of land assetProvide the total number of acres associated with each land asset record.
Square Feet (Buildings)Size of building assetProvide the total area in square feet based on source document.
Square Feet Unit of MeasureThe unit of measure for building square feetProvide the unit of measure for the square feet.
Structural Unit (Structures)Size of structure asset 
Unit of Measure (Structures)The unit of measure for structure assetProvide the unit of measure for the structure.
UtilizationUtilization of the building assetAgencies must report utilization in terms of Unutilized, Underutilized, or Utilized based on the statutory definitions.
Year Asset Reported UnderutilizedWhen was the asset first reported underutilizedAgencies shall report a 4-digit numeric value that represents the fiscal year the asset was most recently designated as underutilized.
Historical Capital ExpendituresTotal capital expenditures over the past 5 yearsAgencies are to report the capital expenditures for an asset over the last five fiscal years (FY 2013 through FY 2017).
Street Addressaddress of the assetProvide the street address in geo-codable format.
Latitudelatitude point of the assetThe measure of the angular distance on a meridian north or south of the equator. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator. Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator.
Longitudelongitude point of the assetThe measure of the angular distance between the plane of a meridian east or west from the plane of the meridian of Greenwich (Prime meridian). Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian. Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian.
CityCity where the asset is locatedProvide the 4-digit geolocation code (GLC) for the city or town associated with the reported main location in which the land, building, or structure is located.
StateState where the asset is locatedProvide the 2-digit GLC for the state or District of Columbia associated with the reported main location in which the land, building, or structure is located.
CountryCountry where the asset is locatedProvide the 3-digit GLC for the country associated with the reported main location in which the land, building, or structure is located.
CountyCounty where the asset is locatedProvide the 3-digit GLC for the county associated with the reported main location in which the land, building, or structure is located.
Congressional DistrictCongressional district where the asset is locatedProvide the value for the congressional district associated with the reported main location in which the land, building, or structure is located.
ZIP CodeZip code where the asset is locatedProvide the 5-digit ZIP code associated with the reported main location in which the land, building, or structure is located and, if known, the additional 4-digit ZIP code suffix.
Disposition MethodHow was the asset disposedReport one of the following categories for the disposition method.
Disposition DateWhen was asset disposedReport the date the disposal action was completed in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Actual Sales Pricetotal sales price for a disposed assetReport the sales price for the disposed asset
Net Proceedsnet proceeds for a disposed assetReport the proceeds received as part of the asset disposal costs incurred by the agency.
SustainabilityDoes the asset meet sustainability requirementsSustainability reflects whether or not the reported building asset meets the sustainability criteria set forth in Section 3 (h) (ii) of Executive Order 13693, which requires federal agencies to improve building efficiency, performance, and management
Lease Expiration DateDate the lease expiresThis date represents the expiration of the current lease term, regardless of termination rights and renewal options.
Lease Start DateDate the lease startedAgencies should report the date the lease was awarded.
Is Asset ExcludedIs asset excluded from the Federal Asset Sales and Transfer ActAgencies are to identify whether the asset meets one of the reporting exclusions provided in P.L. 114-287 Section 3 (5)(B)(v).
Reason for ExclusionReason why it is excluded from the Federal Asset Sales and Transfer ActIf an asset is eligible for exclusion, select one of the exclusion categories
Year of Asset Constructionwhen was the asset constructedAgencies shall report a 4-digit numeric value no greater than 2017, to represent the year the asset was constructed.
FOIA EXEMPTION - Shorthand NameFOIA exemption categoryIndicate the FOIA category that exempts the asset information from being disclosed in response to a FOIA request
Statutory CitationStatutory citation which exempts asset information from being disclosed in response to a FOIA requestIndicate the statutory citation which exempts asset information from being disclosed in response to a FOIA request

Dataset Information