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GWAC Sales Dashboard

The GWAC dashboard displays obligated sales and task orders by agency, bureau and by industry partner for four GWAC programs: 8A Stars II, Alliant, Alliant SB and VETS.

Customer Interactive Prices Paid Dashboard

The GWAC Customer Interactive Dashboard enables the user to perform a deeper analysis of the prices paid data on the GWAC Contract Families. This online tool provides the user with the ability to sort and filter data to the user's unique need.

LABD Image

The Labor Category Dashboard display provides the high, low, and average prices paid for the 80 Alliant and Alliant Small Business Contract labor categories and their associated skill levels. The data is drawn from Labor Hour and Time and Material contracts from 2009 through present.

The Life of Contract Analysis Dashboard provides the user with access to the lower range, average, and upper range on prices paid data over the life of the Alliant and Alliant Small Business Contracts.

To help save you time on searching for additional dashboards that I think may be beneficial to you, I have added those hyper-links below. 



GSA FAS IT Category IT Services Operations team is responsible for managing data analytics that is used for critical decision-making. This team brings awareness to organizational progress and inefficiencies; thus allowing for timely and responsive action.

The availability of quality data can positively impact performance and lead to successful outcomes and customer satisfaction.  The following is a compilation of data sources, dashboards, and reports utilized for conducting data analytics, mission critical decision making, and customer engagement:

  • GSA FAS GWAC Sales Dashboard - Displays obligated sales and task orders by agency, bureau and by industry partner for GSA FAS GWAC Programs.
  • GSA FAS GWAC Prices Paid Dashboard - Provides customer agencies with data that will aid in conducting (a) realistic price analysis; (b) negotiations; (c) independent government cost estimates (IGCE); and (d) aid in benchmarking competitive pricing.
  • GSA FAS ITC IT Services S70 SINs Dashboard - Provides a quarterly report of Schedule 70 sales reported by the vendor for the following IT Services category Special item Numbers (SINs):
    • 132 40 - Cloud Services,
    • 132 51 - IT Professional Services,
    • 132 52 - Electronics Commerce and Subscription Services
    • 132 56 - Health IT Services
  • GSA FAS ITC IT Services Supplier Lookup Tool - Allows users to conduct a search for federal IT Services suppliers and identify their active GWAC, Schedule 70  and other non GWAC IDIQ contracts.
  • GSA FAS ITC IT Services PSC, NAICS & SIN Look-Up Tool - Helps Acquisition Gateway users search for IT Services requirements and locate GSA IT Solutions using PSC, NAICS or SINS.  The purpose of this tool is to help federal agencies rapidly identify GSA IT Services solutions, by NAICS, PSC and SIN relationships.
  • GSA FAS Customer Loyalty Survey (CLS) Dashboard- The Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) Customer Loyalty Survey is a research study that aims to provide valuable, constructive feedback from the many diverse customer groups that are serviced by FAS program offices across GSA Regions and worldwide. The feedback collected from this survey enables FAS to make more effective and efficient service to our customers.
  • FAS ITC OAR Dashboards - Provides a platform for users to visualize and assess expiring IT spend data when searching for opportunities to pursue. The toolset compiles IT data from several sources (FPDS, Transactional sales reporting data, etc.) and standardizes it into a single source. Spend is categorized as granularly as possible into categories/markets using the Government-wide Category Management IT Taxonomy tree so that users may tailor their approach to pursuing expiring spend.
  • FAS Schedule Sales Query Plus (SSQ+) - Designed to provide our suppliers with the figures they want and need. SSQ+ is a tool that depicts sales in both report and dashboard format.
  • Government-only Category Management Reports (MAX credentials required for access) - This tool helps members of the acquisition community rapidly access market research data to make decisions while ensuring that agency CM goals are met for Spend Under Management (SUM), Best In Class (BIC) and Tier 0 Contract Reduction. Contracting Officers can use the product search feature to check competitive pricing data on BIC solutions, look up ways to move expiring contracts to BIC or Tier 2 solutions, or search vendor name or DUNS and identify contracts on which that vendor can compete.

GSA FAS ITC IT Services DATA XPRESS Quicklinks