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GSA OCFO Robotic Process Automation Community of Practice


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UCI Dashboard V1

The RPA CoP collects RPA use cases across the Federal Government on a voluntary basis.  This information is updated quarterly and is intended to help RPA programs identify good processes for automation and to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration between agencies.

RPA User Case Inventory

This document serves as a reference source to be used in tandem with the Use Case Inventory. The guide both explains how to properly use the inventory's display and the RPA COP's motivations for centralizing automations across the Federal Government.

Use Case Submission Template

The Federal RPA Community of Practice is collecting RPA use cases from teams across the Federal Government.

UCI Spreadsheet

This Excel sheet contains all of the automations included in the UCI dashboard on D2D, for an easily accessible view of automations outside of D2D.

GSA OCFO Robotic Process Automation Community of Practice ABOUT

The Federal RPA Community of Practice (CoP) is a thought leadership and collaborative body designed to rapidly accelerate the adoption of RPA technology across the federal government. The CoP consists of representatives from more than 50 Federal agencies, with more than 900 members. To learn more or join the community, visit

GSA OCFO Robotic Process Automation Community of Practice Quicklinks