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10 results total. Displaying item(s) 1 - 10.
   The Federal Acquisition Service’s (FAS) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) program streamlines the process of purchasing products and services for the federal government. It’s the largest purchasing program on the planet, with pre-negotiated prices, delivery terms, warranties, and other…
How do I access content and pages on the D2D Portal? To view content on the D2D Portal, you must create a MAX account. In order to create to make a MAX account, please refer to “Portal Access” button located in the upper right section of the homepage. I have a MAX…
This will be the content on the landing page - public - no MAX
Public Category Management Dashboards & Analytics - ESD - VMS - CDCST - Public Small Business Dashboard - CIET
The Acquisition 360 Initiative collects customer experience data to identify opportunities for improving the acquisition process. Users can view results from the FY15 pilot and FY16 Q1 and FY16 Q2 surveys. The user can drill into the data to understand…
The opportunities dashboard is used to show external clients information about our acquisitions that are in the pre-award state. Viewers can see high level details that would benefit those that are interested in proposing.   Data Source(s): Extract from internal Smartsheet Agency GSA…
This dashboard allows you to select a location from the drop down menu and review a list of contractors that provide COVID Support Services.  This also includes Tribal Entities.  Once a location is selected, you can also review the expected response times.
In support of the May 2021 MAS solicitation update which authorizes the use of Verified Products Portal data in lieu of a letter of supply, the FAS Catalog Management Office is launching the Verified Products Portal Participation Dashboard (Public Access).  This simple dashboard will publicly…
20210609 test article - image added
This dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of OASIS+ contractors across the United States, including Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, and Washington, D.C. It features various map-based views that display distinct counts of Unique Entity Identifiers (UEIs) by congressional districts and…